In this lesson we are working with the following tblproduct table
It has following fields (ProductID, Category, BrandName, ProductName, Price)
SQL Aggregate functions give a single value after processing data in a column. Please Note that these aggregate functions ignore null values
These are the basic aggregate functions and basic syntax in SQL
SQL AVG() Function
SQL AVG() Function returns the average value in a column
SELECT AVG(column_name) FROM table_name;
The following SQL query will give us the average value of the prices in the Price column of the tblproduct table
SELECT AVG(Price) FROM tblproduct
The following SQL query will select the products that exceeding the average price
SELECT BrandName,ProductName,Price FROM tblproduct
WHERE Price>(SELECT AVG(Price) FROM tblproduct);
SQL COUNT() Function
SQL COUNT() Function returns the number of rows in a column
SELECT COUNT(column_name) FROM table_name;
The following SQL query will give us the number of rows in the tblproduct table
SELECT COUNT(ProductName) FROM tblproduct;
SQL MAX() Function
SQL MAX() Function returns the largest value in a column with numerical data
SELECT MAX(column_name) FROM table_name;
The maximum price 85000 will be returned after executing the following query
SELECT MAX(Price) FROM tblproduct;
SQL MIN () Function
SQL MIN () Function returns the smallest value in a column with numerical data and is the opposite of max function
SELECT MIN(column_name) FROM table_name;
The minimum price 10000 will be returned after executing the following query
SELECT MIN(Price) FROM tblproduct;
SQL SUM() Function
SQL SUM() Function returns the sum of all values in a column with numerical data
SELECT SUM(column_name) FROM table_name;
The sum of the prices will be returned after executing following query
SELECT SUM(Price) FROM tblproduct;